Thursday, January 12, 2012

Pantry Staples: Breakfast Goods

How many times have we heard that breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day? It's true! Starting your day out with a healthy, filling meal will keep you alert, energized, and feeling great (check out this interesting article to learn more about the health benefits of eating breakfast). But as a postgraduette, getting your fill in the morning without spending a small monthly fortune can be tricky! How many times have we been in a rush and stopped into our local coffee house to pick up a quick latté and honey bran muffin? And of course we'll never be ones to snivel at the occasional weekend brunch! But for everyday breakfast that's both quick and inexpensive, we invite you to opt for these breakfast pantry staples.

Any variety, whether it's steel-cut oats, crushed oats, or rolled oats. And we're talking about plain oatmeal, not the kind that you make from a package with added sugar and preserved, dried fruit! Healthy eaters alike agree that a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast is one of the best ways to start your day. Choose a container of classic Quaker Oats or grocery store brand Oatmeal, both of which are guaranteed to be high in fiber and low in fat.

Healthy cereal
We emphasize the word "healthy" for a reason! These days, so many cereals boast that they are full of natural whole grains, but really, they're full of sugar (Kellogg's Raisin Bran has a whopping 19 grams per serving!!). Keep your pantry stocked with a box of high fiber cereal like General Mills Fiber One Original Bran or Post Shredded Wheat.

Just like breakfast cereals, all yogurt is not created equally. Look for low-fat, low-sugar yogurt for a refreshing, high-protein meal. We recommend the ever-popular Fage Greek Yogurt, which is a little on the pricey side, but absolutely delicious and full of protein (one container alone has almost 40% of your daily recommended protein). For a less expensive but equally tasty option, choose Yoplait Greek Yogurt.


Good old fashioned eggs to cook in a variety of ways: scrambled, over easy, or egg whites. Here is a great scrambled egg recipe from Martha Stewart that can be prepared in 10 minutes and cooked in the microwave!

Fresh fruit
Apples, bananas, and blueberries, oh my! While fresh fruit doesn't keep for very long, it's always wise to have a some on hand. And grocery stores are always having deals on fruit, so keep your eyes open! Fresh fruit can always be added to oatmeal, cereal, or yogurt to enhance the flavor and give you more energy in the morning. Not to mention, it makes a great mid-morning/mid-afternoon snack.

Whole Grain Bread
A pantry staple that can be used to make anything from toast to egg sandwiches. Whole wheat or multigrain bread is both healthy and delicious. Try brands like Milton's Multigrain, or Orowheat 100% Whole Wheat.

Peanut Butter
This classic spread gives you a high boost of protein in the morning and can be eaten with apples or on top of toast. Skippy Natural Peanut Butter can be found in almost any major grocery store, and the brand Better'n Peanut Butter is a delicious, low-fat brand that is carried in most Trader Joe's stores.


And here's one of our favorite recipes for Homemade Granola that can be stored in your pantry for about two weeks and eaten with yogurt, oatmeal, fruit, or by itself!

1 comment:

  1. Hi girls! A little tip I learned from Smitten Kitchen- if you keep granola in the freezer, it keeps for months.
